If you have been to our site lately (link), you might have noticed that the jewelry is no longer categorized by collection. Instead, jewelry is split into 3 groups: Crystal and Glass Beads Collections, Semi-Precious Stones Collections, and Eye Jewelry. We thought this would make shopping easier for you guys. What do you think? Is it an improvement? Let me know in the comments.
But, just because the jewelry is no longer split by collection, doesn’t mean there are no longer collections. Click on any of those 3 categories and you will see groups of pieces with the same style and color combinations. The collections are still there, but now they are grouped together based on material. Meaning, I can still do collection spotlights! Recently we talked about Metallika (one of my personal favorite collections. It never looks dated! So hip and contemporary, check it out here), today, we are featuring a more colorful and delicate collection, Florence.
The collection is called Florence because the inspiration came from renaissance Florence. I have been to Italy before, and I love it. The food and the art are really the highlights of any trip there. But what really inspired me was the time of the Italian renaissance: when Greco-Roman and old Byzantine aesthetics were mixing with more modern European sensibilities. To channel this feeling, I used classic and simple silhouettes with a hint of modernity. I used natural colors, popular in European jewelry, such as natural abalone, sodalite, blue lapis, and amethyst. I added a touch of 21st century by embellishing with Swarovski crystals. Below are some pieces from the collection, which can be found under the Semi-Precious Stones collection on my website.

Large 2 Part Earring $120 (link)

Oval Bangle Bracelet $95 (link)

Large Hook Bead Necklace $120 (link)
Round Locket Necklace $115 (link)

Fleur De Lis Pendant Necklace $90 (link)

Fleur De Lis Earrings $70 (link)