michal golan © 2014 . All rights reserved.

Peek Inside My House

Hi everyone!
Today I wanted to give you a little peek into our home. My husband an I live in Manhattan. When we renovated our home a few years ago I decided to paint all the tiles for the bathrooms and kitchen. We have a kiln in the basement so I bought a lot of unglazed tiles and went to work glazing and firing them. Making so many tiles took much longer than I anticipated and I almost gave up half way through, but I am so happy I ended up completing the project. Here are some pictures of the tiles.

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In case you did not notice from my jewelry, circles are my favorite shape.

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If you like my tiles check out my Ceramic Jewelry Etsy Store. All of the ceramic pendants and handmade, glazed, and fired by me. There are not many pieces up now, but maybe if we sell more I’ll make a few new ones!

michal golan jewelry

Click here to visit the shop! 

Thanks for reading! 